Getting into the Zone

Buildings generally outlive people, it is true, so that means that, yes Clifftop House will still be standing when all our grandchildren are on their death beds. With this horror in mind we must make sure we organise Gibraltar properly and have things in the right place, much like our cupboards at home, you wouldn’t put a packet of butter in your sock drawer would you?
Ideally all industrial stuff should be in the same place, preferably as near to the frontier as possible as that is the entry and exit point for goods arriving and rubbish leaving. We are clearing whole swathes in the north east and building that new tunnel so now is the time to start relocating.
I am going to say this very slowly and in a whisper. Would it really be such a crime to knock down New Harbours? Nobody really likes New Harbours do they with all that awful corrugated iron and red metal stairs, you go in there and you can’t find your way out, there’s nowhere to park unless you pretend that you’ve bought some shopping from Coviran. All those stores & workshops could be moved to a new industrial park well away from what is a residential area and a whole new housing estate could be built in its place. The only non-residential things that should stay are the historic Victorian dockyard, a supermarket and Malcolm’s garage. The ETB and Housing can be brought back into town which is where they should be anyway.
Where there are houses there can be community centres, green areas, pedestrianised zones but you can’t have all that when delivery trucks are careering through and the views are marred by rusty old containers. Imagine a new village down there by the sea wall, and if it does ever happen I would like to make sure it is not called something with the word ‘harbour’ in it. We have New Harbours, Harbour Views and more recently Mid-Harbours. Who thinks of these awful names? They should have called that Coaling Island Estate because it was built on, wait for it, Coaling Island, which is a name redolent of our pioneering industrial past. Have a bit of imagination please!


  1. Hello how are you?
    My name is Emilio, I am a Spanish boy and I live in a town near Madrid. I am a person very interested in knowing things related to the culture, the way of life of the inhabitants of our planet, the fauna, the flora and the landscapes of all the countries of the world etc., in summary, I am a person who enjoys traveling , learning and respecting the diversity of people from all over the world.

    I love to travel and know all the aspects mentioned in person, but unfortunately, since this is very expensive and my purchasing power is quite small, I came up with a way to travel with imagination to all corners of our planet. A few years ago I started a collection of stamps since this activity allows me to know in an original way some aspects such as fauna, flora, characters, monuments, etc. of all countries. As unfortunately, every day it is more difficult to get stamps, some time ago I started another collection in which my goal would be to get at least one letter from each country and territory with postal autonomy in the world. This modest objective is feasible to achieve in most countries, but unfortunately it is impossible to achieve in other different territories for several reasons, either because they are countries at war, either because they are countries with extreme poverty, they are territories with small population or because any reason, their postal system is not working properly.

    For all this I would like to ask you a small favor:

    Would you be so kind as to send me a letter by traditional mail from Gibraltar? I understand perfectly that you think your blog is not the right place to ask this, and even, it is very probably that you will ignore my letter, but I would like to draw your attention about the difficulty that I have in receiving a letter from that country, besides, I do not know anyone or where to write in Gibraltar in order to increase my collection. A letter for me is like a small souvenir, it's as if I had visited that country with my imagination and at the same time, the arrival of the letters from a country is a sign of peace and normality and an original way of promoting a country in the world. My postal address is as follows:

    Emilio Fernandez Esteban
    Calle Valencia, 39
    28903 Getafe (Madrid)

    I would also like to invite you to visit my blog: there, if you wish you can take a look at my collection and in this way understand in a more graphic way why I make this request.

    Finally, I would like to thank you for the attention given to this letter, and whether you can help me or not, I send my sincere wishes for peace, health and happiness for you, your family and all your loved ones.


    Emilio Fernandez


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