Is Main Street really Pedestrianised?

At the entrances to Main Street and Irish Town there are a number of signs clearly stating that no traffic whatsoever is allowed down those particular thoroughfares after 10am, apart from the obvious exceptions of emergency vehicles and special permit holders. Why then, does one find oneself surrounded by all manner of vehicular traffic bumper to bumper long after the 10am cut-off period?
Years ago Gibraltar had the foresight to pedestrianise large tranches of its town centre and pay for the tarmac to be dug up and replaced with beautiful York Stone. We all remember the bad old days when cars (usually low-slung Honda Civics with tinted windows) would cruise down Main Street at all hours forcing everyone onto the narrow pavements on either side. This sorry state of affairs was thankfully done away with and everyone rejoiced when Casemates Square, Main Street & Irish Town became no-go areas for traffic leaving a veritable Boulevard of open space for us all to enjoy. What was the point of all that effort and expense when the traffic rules are blatantly ignored on a daily basis?
They (whoever ‘they’ are) say that so long as the trucks enter the street in question before 9.59am then no laws have been flouted. However, if ALL the truck drivers do that then what you get is a slow queue edging down the road, each one stalled behind the other as the delivery or collection is taking place. This giant metal snake takes ages to move, it’s like having the Cavalcade every morning but without the music and free sweets. The other argument being bandied about is that the shops are not open until 10am so nobody is there to take the delivery from the trucks. Mmmmmm, so you’re telling me that these shopkeepers cannot muster the civic pride and duty to turn up and open their shop half an hour early on delivery day (which surely isn’t every day of the week)?
Have you ever tried walking down Main Street with a pram or a wheelchair at 10.15am? Have you ever tried doing the same when a cruise liner with a capacity of 7000 has docked at our port spewing its cargo of tourists down its gang planks and onto our streets adding to the general hub-bub of bodies trying to get from A to B? If one reads the Highway Code it tells one quite clearly that the pedestrian in king, the pedestrian has priority over all other traffic. Not so in our Streets! Government needs to issue a serious health warning, and alert pedestrians to avoid Irish Town at all costs lest they want to be decapitated by the wing mirror of a delivery truck. More often than not one has to move down this street, backs against the wall in the manner of a crab and hope to God that the driver of the vehicle actually uses said wing mirrors in order to see who is daring to walk alongside.
Main Street and its environs should be clear of all traffic at dead on 10am every day, open and ready for business, free of smoke and fumes and the general environmentally unfriendliness that traffic imposes onto the simple walker.  The laws are there and need to be enforced.


  1. Why do most shops open at 10am anyway? Why not align their opening hours to accommodate all these tourists who end up wandering around staring at closed doors!! Small businesses constantly complain about this mini recession that's hit our Main Street commerce yet they are unwilling to make sacrifices and open an hour earlier! Is this just mere tradition or some sort of law imposed by govt? Instead they prefer to take the easy way out and wait for the tax breaks which, unfairly, are not passed on to the consumer! So why not kill 2 birds with one stone by opening doors at 9 and have deliveries finished by 9.30 instead of 10. Very simple, pragmatic and rather painless, right? Unless you want an extra hour in bed!!


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