Looking for a Sign

We live in a hot country and the reason why our country (or city if you are that way inclined) is hot is because the sun shines a lot. When the sun shines it tans our bodies a nice brown colour but it also bleaches things into oblivion. There are signs that have been so sun drenched that they don’t actually exist anymore; they are mere white metal discs on top of poles. This is rather important as if you are driving along and there is a no-entry sign which has disappeared you could drive up a street the wrong way. Of course we all know which streets are one way and which ones are not (apart from those people who still insist on driving up Hospital Hill despite the new traffic regulations). Sigh. But what about the tourists and visitors who don’t know? The same applies for signs that say ‘permit holders only’ although I think that a lot of people are glad that these are bleached out because it means they can drive into areas they shouldn’t do and then blame their traffic violation on the fact that they could not see a sign. Clever…
There are also those signs that have been masked by plants and trees and a good trimming would help and while they are at it with their shears they can cut back all those other bits of foliage that obscure the views when trying to do one of those awkward turns. Another issue is the complete lack of signs where there should be some, for example, on the Ragged Staff roundabout where the old Dockyard north gate used to be (don’t mention the gates!) Every day dozens of wandering tourists drive down there looking for the lighthouse and they find themselves funnelled into an industrial zone surrounded by DIY shops. A simple sign, you know, one of those big T signs, should be erected to inform tourists that this road is a dead end.
The other signs that have to go are the ones that are for shops in Main Street that don’t exist anymore; let me warn you that you can’t get a pair of Doc Martin boots in Liberty Electronics. I have asked, the sign is clearly there on the wall, but no, these guys can fix your computer but they don’t sell shoes.
